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Image by Charles Forerunner

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С 2000 года Fenga Co занимается инновациями и революционными прорывами. Мы всегда ищем новые идеи и бизнес-модели, которые мы можем эффективно развивать до успешного выхода.

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Наша история

Fenga Co была основана в 2000 году и превратилась в ведущую технологическую компанию в глобальном прорывном ландшафте. С момента основания мы инвестировали и сотрудничали с рядом известных стартапов, которые добиваются отличных результатов в своих областях. Когда дело доходит до инвестирования, нельзя обращаться к нам слишком рано. На самом деле, чем раньше мы придем на борт, тем лучше.

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Запуск ежедневно

13 апреля 2022 г.

Джон Фенга и Стивен Конрой рассказывают о TDCR



Стивен Конрой, советник новой криптоплатформы TDCR, повышает капитализацию на 5 миллионов долларов



Мы сотрудничаем с ведущими предпринимателями в различных отраслях и секторах. Ознакомьтесь с некоторыми из замечательных компаний, которые мы сделали частью портфолио Fenga Co.



TDCR запускает глобальную, регулируемую, безопасную платежную систему криптовалюты, которая будет способствовать более быстрым, дешевым и безопасным транзакциям криптовалюты (например, Visa или MasterCard, но для криптовалюты).

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FOEXX — это токенизированная торговая площадка с долевым владением  . Отдельные акционеры покупают токены в качестве актива, чтобы разделить прибыль. Такие активы, как фильмы, строительные комплексы, гостиницы, медицинские центры и торговые комплексы, — это лишь некоторые из активов, которые, как ожидается, будут предлагаться на сайте FOEXX.


Промышленный глаз

Industrial Eye Pty Ltd (IE) — это платформа Интернета вещей, предназначенная для промышленных приложений и поставщиков услуг, позволяющая отслеживать их наиболее ценные активы с помощью передовой технологии потоковой передачи, добавляющей функции и повышающей эффективность подключенному оборудованию.

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Промышленный глаз

Industrial Eye Pty Ltd (IE) — это платформа Интернета вещей, предназначенная для промышленных приложений и поставщиков услуг, позволяющая отслеживать их наиболее ценные активы с помощью передовой технологии потоковой передачи, добавляющей функции и повышающей эффективность подключенному оборудованию.

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Embracing Failure: The True Key to Innovation and Growth

In a world that often equates success with immediate wins and flawless execution, I've come to realise something quite profound: failure is not just an option; it's a necessity. If you’re trying something new or attempting to disrupt an industry, failure isn’t a setback it's a stepping stone. In fact, if you're not failing, you're probably not pushing yourself hard enough. 


The Expectation of Failure: A Sign of Determination


Every time I embark on a new venture or aim to challenge the status quo, I expect to fail. This expectation isn't born from a lack of confidence or a defeatist attitude; rather, it's a reflection of my understanding of the journey to meaningful innovation. When I fail, it signifies that I’m in what I call the "determination stage." This is the phase where true growth happens, where resilience is built, and where the foundation for eventual success is laid.


This determination stage is crucial because it pushes you to test your limits and explore uncharted territories. It’s easy to stick to what you know and operate within your comfort zone, but true innovation never happens there. By expecting to fail, I allow myself the freedom to experiment without the fear of immediate judgment or the pressure to be perfect. This mindset has been instrumental in my ability to think outside the box and develop solutions that challenge conventional thinking.


Immediate Success: A Red Flag


On the other hand, if I try something new and find immediate success, I don't see it as a win; instead, it raises a red flag. Immediate success often means that I'm operating within the boundaries of what I already know—within the safety of my comfort zone. While this may feel good in the short term, it ultimately means I’m not challenging myself enough or pushing the limits of what is possible.


For me, success on the first attempt is a signal that I need to go back to the drawing board. It’s a sign that I need to push myself further, think bigger, and take on even greater risks. If my ideas are met with unanimous approval right away, I start to wonder if they are truly disruptive or if they are just another iteration of what's already out there.


Living Outside the Comfort Zone


My life has been a continuous journey of working outside my comfort zone. Whether it was launching a startup in an industry I knew little about or challenging established norms with innovative concepts, my path has always been one of exploration and, inevitably, of failure. But with each failure, I have learned invaluable lessons that have paved the way for future successes.


Working outside your comfort zone is not easy. It’s a place filled with uncertainty, doubt, and often, criticism. However, it’s also a place of immense growth and unparalleled opportunity. It’s where you learn the most about yourself and what you’re truly capable of achieving. It’s where you discover new ways of thinking, innovate new solutions, and build things that have the potential to change the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.


Reframing Failure as a Positive


One of the biggest challenges in embracing failure is changing how we perceive it. Society often stigmatise failure, associating it with incompetence or lack of preparation. But in the context of innovation and disruption, failure should be seen as a badge of honour a testament to one’s willingness to venture into the unknown and challenge the status quo.


I've come to view each failure as a critical data point, an opportunity to learn, iterate, and improve. Failure, in this sense, is not the opposite of success but an integral part of the journey toward it. Each failure provides insights that no amount of success could ever offer, helping refine ideas, sharpen skills, and build resilience.


The Courage to Fail


If you’re looking to innovate, disrupt, or make a significant impact, embrace failure. Expect it. Learn from it. Let it be the proof that you’re on the right path, pushing the boundaries, challenging norms, and daring to do what others won’t. 


Remember, the goal isn’t to avoid failure but to fail better each time until you succeed. So, if you find yourself succeeding right off the bat, take a step back and ask yourself: Am I really pushing my limits? Am I really challenging the status quo? Or am I just staying comfortable? 


True innovation lies in the courage to fail, the resilience to learn from it, and the determination to keep moving forward. It's about constantly stepping out of your comfort zone and daring to create something that changes the way we think, live, or interact with the world. And that, in my opinion, is the ultimate key to success.



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